Maintenance Work Request
** Dial 911 if you have an emergency. **
Submitting a work request involves 4 steps:
Identify work location on the map
Click or tap the map to input the location of the needed work. Only a single location can be input. The location can be moved by dragging or click for a new location.
Use the Search locations option to zoom to an area. Then zoom in to input the work location. There is also an option on the right side of the map to zoom to your device’s location.
Input of the work location will automatically populate the County and Road Name information. If the road is not State maintained, a message will appear below the road name field. You may need to contact your local government public works office in this case. -
Tell us about the work
Select the work category that best fits the needed work. It is important to describe the work as well as its location in more detail to assist the SCDOT maintenance crews. If you have selected the location of the work on the map, the County and Road Name will already be filled in.
There is also an option to upload a photo of the needed work, but this is not required. Be safe and do not try to capture a photo of the needed work if it is unsafe to do so. -
Input/confirm contact information
If you are a first time user, you will need to input your contact information. This information is very helpful for our maintenance crews. If they are unable to locate the needed work, they will attempt to contact you for more information.
Click or tap on the Submit button to submit your work request. An email confirmation will be sent to the provided email address upon submission and completion of the request. If you have selected a location that is not on a State maintained roadway, information will be provided on who to contact. There is a Download option to save an electronic copy of what you have submitted. That download can be forwarded by you to the organization that maintains the selected road.
Click on map to identify work location
Tap on map to identify work location
Tell us about the work
* = Required entry
Select the work category that is the closest match to the issue being reported.
Provide a description of the issue to help our crews understand the nature of the issue.
Provide a description of the location of the issue. Although identified on the map, a location description (i.e. "in right hand travel lane", "between church and gas station") can often help our crews find the issue.
If the map was used to input a location, the county is automatically populated. The indicated work county may be different than the county where the road is physically located. This is because an adjacent SCDOT county maintenance office may be assigned to the request due to their proximity to the work location.
If the map is not used, the user will need to select a county and then a road within that county.
If the map is not used, the user will need to select a county and then select a road name that is based on the county.
Provide contact information
Name | Phone |